A beautiful bouquet with 12 white Roses with 10 red Gerberas and 5 yellow Lilies which is wrapped with colored paper packing and tied with colored ribbon is undoubtedly a perfect gift to impress loved ones on his or her birthday or send as a wedding flower bouquet
For Cakes
1. After receiving the cake, immediately refrigerate it at least 1 hrs
before consumption.
2. Please allow it to come to room temperature before serving/eating.
3. The cake should be placed back in the fridge and should be consumed
within 48 hours.
4. Report immediately if cake is delivered melted or damaged so we can
replace same day.
For Flowers
1. When you receive flowers, just trim the stems and add water. Re-cut 1-2
of the stems at a 45 degree angle.
2. Use a clean vase and drinking water.
3. Remove the leaves and foliage below the water line but do not remove all
leaves along the stem length.
4. Check the water level daily and replenish as needed.
5. Don't place flowers under fan or direct sunlight or near any other source
of excessive heat.